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Registry of Suffolk sheep is open to United Suffolk Sheep Association, United Junior Suffolk Sheep Association members and non-members. In addition to the purebred registry, the association offers a percentage program, amnesty program, and a program to allow unregistered Suffolk sheep to re-enter the Suffolk flock book (GAP). Click here to learn about other Suffolk registry programs.


We are excited to transition to a new registry software program, Digital Suffolk, a program that offers additional value-added benefits for our members such as recording and tracking performance data, a virtual marketplace, a real-time searchable database with the ability to upload photos, tracking system for semen sales and breeding certificates, data submission to NSIP for those who want it, and a true on-line data entry system that can dramatically reduce the turn-around time for registry work. Electronic registration papers could be available as soon as payment is submitted. No other sheep breed association offers a state-of-the-art registry software program with these advanced capabilities. Suffolks continue to be the breed in the lead!
For USSA and UJSSA members who do not currently have a login for Digital Suffolk but would like to utilize the new program, please email [email protected] or contact the Suffolk Office (641.684.5291).

DigitalSuffolk is accessible to anyone but only USSA and UJSSA members are able to login and use the program to register and manage their sheep. Non-members are encouraged to use the JOTFORM registration below in the FORMS section.



Successful Implementation in Cattle Associations
Numerous beef associations such as Limousin, Shorthorn and Gelbvieh just to name a few, have used this software successfully for years.  The various platforms were designed to meet each breeds own individual needs in addition to basic registry concepts.  As these breeds decide to add more options to their programs, they can be added to give additional tools to the breeders using the system. The migration of pedigrees and performance information leads to all-encompassing details such as a cow’s lifetime calving record, all her progeny and their data, all the growth and scan data as well as breeding values for all those recorded animals. Growth data is likewise available for bulls as well.  As the beef industry evolved and the demand for other recorded information such as calving ease, weaning and yearling weights, carcass data, longevity traits, maternal traits and commercial relevancy, programs such as Digital Beef provided a means for more information to be recorded, evaluated, and shared with breeders and potential customers.  Animals were compared to the breed average, easily identifying outstanding individuals for the particular trait desired.  A breeder can match individual females within their own herd with that of a bull that compliments the female in terms of traits that need to be increased or balanced. 
This Digital Beef system, DigitalSuffolk, allows the Suffolk breed to embark on the same trajectory.  The sheep industry has some catching up to do but this is a logical and sound way to begin the process of using new technology to improve the Suffolk breed.




Through Digital Suffolk, members have access to electronic registration records and can print their own registration papers. The United Suffolk Sheep Association deems a Suffolk registration certificate printed by a member/owner or provided electronically as an official Suffolk registration certificate. 
Authenticity Verification: A registration certificate authenticity can be verified by scanning the QR code on the registration paper, scanning the QR code directs the viewer to the animal’s registration information, in real time, through the Digital Suffolk registration system.


Comprehensive how-to instructions for Digital Suffolk are available once  you log into your Digital Suffolk account for viewing, print or download. If you have any trouble accessing those or finding them in Digital Suffolk, contact the Suffolk Office.

If you need assistance with the DigitalSuffolk system, please contact the USSA office at 641.684.5291 or email [email protected].





Membership Applications


 PDF  |   WORD

Registration Applications

For individuals who do not have access to DigitalSuffolk, registration applications can be submitted using one of the formats below. JOTFORM is the easiest way to submit information, a copy of your submission will be sent to your email. Use these forms to register sheep in any of the Suffolk registry programs (purebred, GAP, and percentage).

 PDF Form  

(Electronic registration application, NOT DigitalSuffolk access)

Other Forms

Breeding Certificate:

 PDF  |   WORD

Semen Declaration:

 PDF  |   WORD

Artificial Insemination Certificate:

 PDF  |   WORD

Embryo Transfer:

 PDF  |   WORD

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